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Reply To: Floating dump in the river Struma

Forums Other Disastrous Situations Floating dump in the river Struma Reply To: Floating dump in the river Struma


New floating landfill along the Struma River.

Fishermen signaled that the river was littered with garbage in the area of ​​Boboshevo municipality
New floating landfill – this time along the Struma River. Fishermen sent us a signal and photos that the river is mired in garbage in the area of ​​Boboshevo municipality. After the signal of the fishermen and after the intervention of NOVA, cleaning is expected to start.

The landfill is located in the section of the Struma River between Boboshevo and the village of Chetirtsi. Anton Antonov came across the shocking sight. He came across the ugly find as he walked around the river in search of a suitable place to fish.

“Generally, every year in the summer I go for 10 days to fish on the river. When it’s colder, I walk around looking for a place where the river is slower. A month ago I came across this place – a whole truck can be filled with plastic bottles and nobody does anything. The forester has passed several times – he came to check my ticket, but he does not pass to see what it is about on the river. It is not his job to clean, but at least to contact someone “, says Antonov.