On February 15, 2021, the Municipality of Belene held an initial press conference in connection with the implementation of the Administrative Agreement for Grant № BG16M1OP002-2.009-0070-С01 / № Д-34-111 of 12.08.2020, under project № BG16M1OP002-2.009-0070 "Do not dispose of-compost", funded under Procedure № BG16M1OP002-2.009, for the implementation of demonstration projects in the field of waste management, under Priority Axis 2: "Waste", funded by the Operational Program "Environment 2014 - 2020", co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union. A short presentation of the demonstration project was made. Representatives of kindergartens and schools, heads of institutions, employees from other municipalities and stakeholders. The participants got acquainted with the main goal of the project, namely: Implementation of good practices for environmental impact by reducing the generation of municipal waste, increasing their reuse and recycling. The main activities of the project were also presented: Activity 1: Preparation and justification of a demonstration project Activity 2: Implementation of a demonstration project "Do not dispose of - Compost" 2.1 .: Home composting 2.2 .: Public composting 2.3 .: Conducting composting trainings Activity 3: Campaigns to promote the results of the project Activity 4: Project organization and management Activity 5: Information and communication Project value: BGN 264,037.97, of which: BGN 224,432.28 European funding from the ERDF BGN 39,605.69 national co-financing from the Republic of Bulgaria Project duration: 23 months Start of the project: 27.08. 2020 End of the project: July 27, 2022 The press conference was held in strict compliance with all anti-epidemic measures - in compliance with a physical distance of 1.5 m, mandatory wearing of face masks and disinfection by those present, for which disinfectants were provided. MILEN DULEV Mayor of Belene Municipality