This is the third pollution of the river in a month
A leaky pipeline from the mine installation has caused new pollution of the Luda Yana River in the area of Panagyurishte. This is the third pollution of the river in a month.
Immediately after receiving the signal, a team of the Regional Ecological Inspectorate visited the affected area.
At the time of the inspection of the electrolytic copper plant near Tsar Asen, no inflow was found from the reservoir for rich solutions, but wet traces on the ceiling showed that the pollution of the river started from here.
In the Panagyurishte Copper Company enterprise itself, one of the pumps stopped working due to a damaged production water pipeline. The damage was repaired before the arrival of the environmental inspectors, but the pollution reached the river.
A prescription has been issued not to use the facility until experts have ruled that it is fit and safe. The polluter will be fined.