Pursuant to Art. 61, para. 2, Art. 63, para. 4, 6 and 11 and Art. 63c of the Health Act, Art. 73 of the Administrative Procedure Code, and in connection with Decision № 629 of the Council of Ministers of 26 August 2021 to extend the emergency epidemic situation announced by Decision № 325 of the Council of Ministers of 14 May 2020, extended by Decision № 378 of the Council of Ministers Council of 12 June 2020, Decision № 418 of the Council of Ministers of 25 June 2020, Decision № 482 of the Council of Ministers of 15 July 2020, Decision № 525 of the Council of Ministers of 30 July 2020,Decision № 609 of the Council of Ministers of 28 August 2020, Decision № 673 of the Council of Ministers of 25 September 2020, Decision № 855 of the Council of Ministers of 25 November 2020, Decision № 72 of the Council of Ministers of 26 January 2021 ., Decision № 395 of the Council of Ministers of 28 April 2021, Decision № 426 of the Council of Ministers of 26 May 2021 and Decision № 547 of the Council of Ministers of 28 July 2021 and a proposal by the Chief State Health Inspector. ORDER: I. I introduce the following temporary anti-epidemic measures on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, as of October 21, 2021: 1. Visits to personal development support centers, children's centers, clubs and others providing organized group services for children shall be suspended. An exception is allowed only for special educational support centers. 2. The holding of congress-conference events, seminars, symposia, trainings, competitions, exams and other events of such nature is suspended. 3. The conducting of team building and other organized group events of such character in labor collectives is suspended. 4. The holding of all mass events, such as music and other festivals, fairs, folklore initiatives and others of such nature, shall be suspended. 5. The group visits to centers, schools and other sites for dance and music art are suspended. 6. The present learning process in the higher schools is terminated. 7. Attended classes in schools in all municipalities with a 14-day morbidity of over 750 per 100,000 population are suspended. 8. The attendance of 50% of the classes in the schools in the municipalities with the reached 14-day morbidity between 500 and 750 per 100 000 population is suspended. Attendance training is carried out according to a schedule approved by the Minister of Education and Science. 9. The attendance of 50% of the classes in the schools in the municipalities with reached 14-day morbidity between 250 and 500 per 100 000 population is terminated, in the absence of more than 20% of the students in the respective school and / or quarantine of more than 30% of the classes. Attendance training is carried out according to a schedule approved by the school principal. 10. The decision for transition to training in electronic environment from distance under items 7-9 shall be taken by the Minister of Education and Science under the conditions and by the order of art. 105, para. 6 and 115a, para. 1, 4 and 5 of the Preschool and School Education Act. 11. The classes in the schools and kindergartens in face-to-face training are carried out in compliance with the Guidelines for training and actions in the conditions of emergency epidemic situation in schools and kindergartens, approved by the Minister of Education and Science and the Minister of Health and published on the website. of the Ministry of Education and Science. 12. All students from fifth to twelfth grade, as well as all pedagogical and non-pedagogical staff in schools wear a protective face mask during their stay and training in schools. 13. Physical education and sports classes are held outdoors. 14. When conducting group extracurricular activities and activities, activities of interest, activities and others, organized in a school environment, mixing students from different classes is not allowed. 15. The holding of face-to-face group classes for adults in language centers, educational centers and other training centers and schools shall be suspended. 16. Conducting face-to-face group classes for children in language centers, educational centers and other training centers and schools is allowed provided at a physical distance of at least 1.5 m and not more than 5 people in a room, wearing protective masks for face, hand hygiene, regular airing every hour and disinfection. 17. Visits to museums, galleries, cinemas, theaters, circus performances, concerts and other indoor stage performances are suspended. 18. The holding of collective sports indoors shall be suspended, with the exception of trainings and competitions for registered athletes at licensed sports federations. 19. The holding of sports competitions for registered athletes at licensed sports federations is allowed without an audience. 20. Visits to fitness centers, sports halls and clubs, swimming pools and complexes, balneotherapy (medical SPA) centers, SPA centers, wellness centers and thalassotherapy centers shall be suspended. 21. The visits in the establishments for food and entertainment in the sense of art. 124 of the Tourism Act, including those to the places of accommodation. 22. The holding of gatherings of private character (baptisms, weddings, etc.) is allowed with the participation of not more than 15 persons indoors and 30 persons indoors. 23. All natural and legal persons, who are owners or manage commercial, administrative or other sites, which provide services to the citizens, shall create an organization for control of the number of clients in the respective site, not allowing more than 1 person per 8 sq. M.