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COVID-19 cases in Bulgaria

Forums Other Disastrous Situations COVID-19 cases in Bulgaria

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  • #3111

    COVID-19: 24% of those tested for the day gave a positive result.

    411 new cases of COVID-19 were registered in our country in the last 24 hours. They were detected with 1,708 tests, which means that the positive tests were 24.06% of those performed.

    Four people have died of the infection in the last 24 hours. With this, the victims since the beginning of the pandemic in our country have become a total of 37,435, and the confirmed cases – 1,217,565. Of these, 1,152,979, 282 were cured – in the last 24 hours.

    27,151 of the cases remain active. Hospitalized are 1,098, 47 remain for treatment in intensive care units. The number of new hospital admissions is 27.

    In total, 4,488,347 doses of vaccines against COVID-19 have been administered in the country, including 38 in the last 24 hours.


    Six died with COVID-19 in our country in the last 24 hours.

    This is shown by the data of the Unified Information Portal
    The new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our country for the last 24 hours are 288. This is shown by the data of the Unified Information Portal. 5,445 tests were performed, which means that the proportion of positive results is 5.3 percent.

    Six patients with confirmed coronavirus infection have died. To date, there are 415 people in hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19, of which 56 are in the intensive care unit. There are 56 new hospital admissions.

    530 people were cured in the last 24 hours, and the total since the beginning of the pandemic – 1,243,643. There are currently 5,196 active cases.

    In the last 24 hours, 404 doses of the vaccine against COVID-19 have been administered, and a total of 4,595,547 doses have been administered since the start of the vaccination campaign.

    A total of 38,033 people in our country have lost the battle with COVID-19 from the confirmed 1,286,872 infected since the beginning of the pandemic.


    COVID-19: 1 died and 88 newly registered for the last 24 hours in our country.

    There are currently 2,662 active cases
    The new confirmed cases of coronavirus in our country for the last 24 hours are 88, according to the data of the Unified Information Portal. 4470 tests were done, which means that the proportion of positive results is 1.97%.

    In the last 24 hours, one deceased patient with a confirmed coronavirus infection was registered.

    To date, there are 191 people in hospital with a diagnosis of COVID-19, of which 24 are in intensive care units. There are 21 new hospital admissions.

    78 people were cured in the last 24 hours, and a total of 1,255,101 since the beginning of the pandemic.

    There are currently 2,662 active cases.

    In the last 24 hours, 96 doses of vaccine against COVID-19 have been given, and a total of 4,607,891 doses since the start of the vaccination campaign.

    A total of 38,195 people in our country have lost the battle with the coronavirus from the confirmed 1,295,958 infected since the beginning of the pandemic.

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